Laugh Lines: Not So Funny Wrinkles and How to Get Rid of Them
What are Laugh Lines?
Laugh lines are the little creases that run from the corners of your nose to the corners of your mouth. They are aptly titled, because the more you laugh, smile, giggle, and even talk, the more laugh lines you get. Don’t devote your life to sadness and sorrow just yet. Laugh lines can also appear due to genetics, aging, and sun exposure. As you age, your skin’s elasticity diminishes, causing sagging and wrinkles. You’re going to develop these pesky smile wrinkles as you live your life, so you might as well enjoy it. Sure you could try to eliminate them with needles, injections, or even surgical excisions, but why waste the money and energy? Here are 5 easy things you can do on a daily basis to get rid of smile lines and still keep you smiling.
Slather on the Sunscreen
We know, we sound like your mother reminding you to use that SPF before you head out to the beach, but she’s right (thanks, mom)! Long term sun exposure over time can severely damage your skin and lead to wrinkles. According to the NY Times, “Sunlight damages collagen fibers (the major protein that gives structure to the skin). Sunlight also damages elastin, a protein in the skin that normally maintains the springiness and strength of tissue beneath the skin.” Yikes! Make it a habit to apply facial sunscreen every morning, and also to reapply throughout the day. Reapplying every two hours is recommended. If the sun’s glaring down at you at the lake or on a picnic, find a shady spot. Buy a big, glamorous hat, and know your skin will thank you later.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
It’s easy to get to the end of your busy day and realize you forgot to drink any water. Sadly, your skin didn’t forget. When you dehydrate your skin, it appears duller, and wrinkles will deepen over time, appearing more prominently on your face. Drinking water is a not as big a contributor towards helping to plump and firm your skin as you might think, thus filling in those little wrinkles that creep in with products applied topically to the skin will help the best. We always advise that you drink 8-10 eight-ounce servings of water a day for optimum hydration. No need to guzzle it all in one sitting, make sure you space it out throughout the day. If you’re having a hard time remembering to stop and hydrate, try using an app like Water Alert on your phone to remind you. Once you make it a daily habit, hydration is an easy and free fix to keep your skin healthy.
Cut Out the Cigarettes
As you probably know, cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals, many of which can damage the health of your skin. Nicotine, for example, restricts blood flow. When your skin doesn’t get the blood it needs it will appear duller and drier. The chemicals in cigarettes also damage collagen and elastin, which are both very important in keeping your skin firm and plump. Plus, puckering your mouth when smoking can give you those annoying little lines above your mouth, called perioral lines. If you want to keep wrinkles at bay, it’s best to put that pack of cigarettes back.
Order That Avocado Toast
Sure avocados taste great, but did you know they are also amazing for your skin? Avocados contain a magical antioxidant called glutathione that flushes toxins out of your system, helps prevent wrinkles, and even supports your immune system. The Vitamin E in avocados will keep your skin smooth, while the Vitamin C maintains skin firmness. Fatty acids in avocado work to keep your skin moist. Who knew avocados were working this hard? Throw some of this overachieving ingredient in your salad, taco, or soup for these added benefits. Never feel guilty for paying extra for guac again.
Use SiO Eye + Smile Lift Silicone Patches
Don’t want to work too hard to eliminate those laugh lines around the mouth? All you need is a SiO Eye + Smile Lift power patch to do the work for you. Place these medical grade silicone patches on before you go to bed and wake up to a more firm, hydrated and plumped face! It’s as simple as that. Dermatologist approved and allergy tested, these comfy patches work overnight to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They hydrate your skin and work to repair and prevent those infamous laugh lines. Plus, they are reusable! No need to spend a fortune on a one-time use mask. After using the patch, just place it back in its enclosed storage shield until you are ready to use it again.
Smiling yet? Don’t stop there. Try SiO’s specially designed patches for face, neck, brow, and decollete. Each patch will hydrate these specific areas and produce targeted results overnight. So put on your favorite stand up comedy special on Netflix and laugh as much as you want! No need to worry about laugh lines any longer.

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