Marionette Lines: Not Your Typical Wrinkle
It’s one thing to frown and mean it, but it’s an entirely different problem if you look unhappy without intending to. And that’s the effect that marionette lines can have on you.
“Marionette lines” is a term for a common problem, but these lines aren’t your typical face wrinkle. They can change your facial expression and sometimes make you look mad or unhappy when you’re not.
You know those little lines that begin at the corners of your mouth and extend down your chin? That’s what we’re talking about.
These creases get their name from puppets called marionettes and the lines that make the puppets’ mouths open and close. They often develop with age, as other wrinkles do, but there are a few preventive steps you can take to slow their development or make them less profound.
Whether you’re genetically predisposed to develop these lines (some people are), you’ve developed them simply due to age, or you’re trying to proactively prevent them, we’ve got some tips for you.
Causes Of Marionette Lines
Why do we get marionette lines? Just like other aspects of your physical appearance, genetics could play a role in whether or not you develop marionette lines and how pronounced they become.
In addition to genetics, there are other factors that can affect how defined marionette lines become, like being in the sun a lot or the habit of pursing your lips.
Plus, any wrinkle develops or becomes worse due to a loss of skin elasticity. As you age, collagen and elastin (two crucial skin components) begin to break down. Your skin loses its fullness and its ability to bounce back into place, leading to wrinkles and creases like marionette lines.
The good news is that there are many ways to treat and prevent wrinkles in general (usually by supporting collagen and elastin), as well as treatments specifically for marionette lines.
Maybe you’ve already developed these lines we’ve been talking about. If so, don’t frown (you’ll make marionette lines worse!). We’ll tell you about several ways to treat marionette lines if you’ve already got them.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are injections that can help put the happy back on your face. They plump your skin, improve collagen production, and bring moisture to the area, literally “filling” in those marionette lines.
Negatives aspects of choosing a dermal filler? Because it’s an injection, there are health risks. Plus, it can be pricey and it only lasts a few months.
If you choose an injection like dermal fillers, be sure you’re doing what you can to make the fillers as effective as possible.
Dr. Dendy Engelman, SiO Beauty’s medical advisor says, “Patients can use the SiO Beauty patches in conjunction with injectables. Because SiO patches create the optimal microclimate for the skin, they can enhance the effects of injectables and potentially prolong their effects — creating a beautiful synergy between in-office and at-home outcomes.”
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment, or laser resurfacing, affects your skin in two important ways — it resurfaces your skin and also stimulates collagen production, reducing wrinkles and smoothing out the treated area.
As helpful as it can be, laser resurfacing is expensive, your skin can be red after treatment, and potential side effects include scarring or lightening or darkening of your skin.
Micro-needling is exactly what it sounds like, but if you’re afraid of needles, don’t run away yet. With this treatment option, tiny needles are inserted into your skin, and then your skin reacts by producing collagen to heal the affected area.
With that collagen production, your skin fills itself in and your wrinkles become less noticeable. However, you’ll need several treatments (which can be expensive) and you may experience irritation and redness after these treatments.
You’re probably familiar with the facelift as a surgical treatment option for facial woes. It’s another way to treat your marionette lines.
As a surgical procedure, a facelift will adjust your skin to reduce or remove wrinkles and can at the same time fill and lift the treated area.
However, since a facelift is an invasive procedure, it has drawbacks as any surgery does. The risks include infection, bleeding, skin discoloration, and long-term numbness in the area. It is also one of the most expensive treatment options.
SiO Beauty Patches
The goal in treating wrinkles is to firm, plump, and smooth your skin, making the lines less deep and not as noticeable.
SiO Beauty patches do just that and can be used by themselves alongside other treatments for marionettes lines.
The patches work as you sleep, so there are no needles and no trips to the doctor. And you’ll be able to use the patches more than once.
Put them on before bed and wake to younger-looking, smoother skin!
We’ve mentioned five treatment options above. The following prevention tips will be helpful for those of you treating marionette lines you’ve already got as well as those who are trying to prevent them from developing.
Whichever category you fall into, your skin will love you for the extra care, and healthier skin will mean your marionette lines just might start frowning a little less.
Protect Yourself From The Sun
You probably already know that it’s important to protect your face from the damaging rays of the sun.
That’s because sun exposure can break down collagen and elastin in your skin — those are the two important components in your skin that keep it full, youthful, and wrinkle-free.
Avoiding sun exposure and protecting your skin when you’re in the sun help to prevent premature development of wrinkles like marionette lines. Keep your hat and your sunscreen handy.
Don’t Purse Your Lips
Living with a furrowed brow can lead to wrinkles, and similarly, always pursing your lips can potentially contribute to marionette lines.
Cosmetic dermatologist Jeremy Green, M.D., says, "Wrinkles form in the skin due to repetitive muscle contraction underneath the skin."
Take note of your facial posture — frowning, furrowing your brow, or pursing your lips together — and try to go about your days with more relaxed facial expressions.
Get Adequate Sleep
The idea of “beauty sleep” is a real thing. Sleeping is important for keeping both your body and your skin healthy.
When you sleep, your body and your skin repair themselves, and a lack of sleep can negatively affect collagen production. Your skin (and your SiO Beauty patches) are hard at work while you sleep so you can wake up with smooth skin, refreshed and ready to start the day.
Hydrate Your Body And Your Skin
Keeping your body and skin hydrated is important to prevent dry or dehydrated skin. Drinking water, using the right moisturizer, and applying hydrating masks help give your skin the moisture it needs to stay healthy and full.
Dehydrated skin means collagen and elastin suffer, and, as you know by now, those are two things you don’t want to sacrifice if you’re concerned about marionette lines.
Don’t Smoke
In addition to causing smoker’s lines, smoking cheats your skin out of three essential things — collagen, elastin, and blood flow.
Over time, collagen and elastin are destroyed by smoking and your skin loses elasticity, making you more susceptible to signs of aging, like marionette lines and other wrinkles.
Smoking also narrows the blood vessels in your skin, which leaves your skin thirsty for all the oxygen and essential nutrients it gets from your blood.
And we still haven’t even mentioned facial posture. Remember what we said earlier about avoiding pursing your lips and other repetitive facial expressions? Yep, time to get rid of that cigarette in your mouth.
Say Goodbye To Marionette Lines
Whatever option you choose to treat your marionette lines, don’t neglect important prevention steps like drinking water, protecting your skin from the sun, getting enough sleep, and using SiO Beauty patches.
SiO’s patches are inexpensive, can be used multiple times (talk about saving money!), and their only side effect is glowing skin.
Using the patches every night — along with other small changes in your daily routine — will make a huge difference in your skin and your marionette lines, leaving you looking younger and more radiant than ever!

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